Posts Tagged things i want

What do I really want to do

I want to make a list of things that I really want. to do. This list is indefinite.

Be Me

The first and most important thing I want is to be myself. I should always try to be the best version of myself, but that is still just me. I am a unique creature, carefully created and polished by my surroundings. An artwork if you wish. I function in a particular way. Things that work fine for someone else may not work for me and vice-versa. My greatest wish is to just be me.

Make the world a better place

When I see things that can be improved, I like to change them. I really hate to do unneccessary work and when see others struggle with something I like to help them out.

Computer programming!

I love programming so much I can do it all day long. I am usually a bit distracted because when I find something that I like I switch into looking into that. So for me it really helps to have a task list or agenda at hand, which is fortunately not that hard nowadays.


I like to hang out with other people and share ideas. I’m a usually quite shy and silent, but when I talk about something that I like I can quickly change my mood into a very enthousiastic and persuasive one. It took me some time to figure out that this can be quite annoying too, but I think I learned that now :p.



more to come!


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