Posts Tagged stop smoking

Stop smoking sigarettes success

Well, I guess from my last assignment, I finished at least the most important part, and that is to stop smoking cigarettes 🙂

I have now found a new task for myself, and that is to do something every day that I feel uncomfortable doing.

The reason for this is that by starting to include options that I am currently uncomfortable with doing, I will increase the total number options that I have tremendously.

I started yesterday. Here are the results so far:

26-01-2010 – Go to sleep early, without the aid of cannabis

Somehow I managed to fall asleep quickly (at around 23.15) but I woke up several times during the night. I also had a lot of trouble waking up in the morning, I felt exausted. I woke up at 10.00.

27-01-2010 – Ride a bike for at least half an hour

This one went better than last one. I rode for half an hour.  The cold was not so much of a problem, but the wind constantly blew my hair in my face in a way that made it impossible for me to look around. I am now back and I decided to go to a barber shop and have my hair cut.  I also have muscle pain now but that is probably because I did not do much exercise for the last 5 years :p

First results:


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